Growing Community

Connect with a diverse group of local gardeners, from beginners to experts, backyarders to commercial operators, all eager to exchange insights and experiences. Fuel your growing journey with discussions that matter and connections that inspire further pursuit of shared passion.

Who we are
Mid-Atlantic Cultivators’ Club (MACC) is a nonprofit and private social club organized to build a community of home cultivators, horticulturalists, gardeners, and plant enthusiasts alike in the Mid-Atlantic Region.

Connect. Share. Grow.

Join our growing family of enthusiasts

Our platform serves as a community hub for enthusiasts to meet, socialize, and network. MACC strives to establish vibrant association of cultivators and gardeners across the Mid-Atlantic region to connect, forging friendships, sharing stories and experiences, and fostering a community passionate about plants, produce, techniques, tools, and genetics.

From one garden to another

Unlock a world of botanical treasures as you trade plants, produce, genetics, and the like with fellow enthusiasts. Exchange rare and unique plant specimens, enriching your garden and life while contributing to the diversity of our collective green community.

Grow together

Discover an endless library of resources and experienced masters happy to assist in your growing journey, increasing your excitement about plants while increasing own knowledge base. Come contribute to our expanding family of like-minded members, eager to help you both garden better and understand more about how plants work. Our friendly community will make you feel welcome as you explore the fascinating world of greenery and share forward-looking ideas.

Join the community

Subscribe to get first access to upcoming events, products, and local cultivating news/information.

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